PROVAL - PROgetto di coordinamento a beneficio di imprese VALdostane per rafforzare la competitività del sistema locale e sviluppare sinergie
ProVal is one of the three coordination projects of the companies that participated in the Aggregazioni R&S call organized by the Valle d'Aosta Region and received funding for the realization of their experimental
ProVal is the coordination project for the 7 beneficiary companies belonging to LINE 1 – INDUSTRY.of the call.
The ProVal Team is composed of the company INNOVA in the role of leader of the coordination, the FCF companies (Clément Fillietroz Foundation) in charge of managing the training activities, and MESAP in charge of technology transfer activities.
The coordination activities are:
- Monitoring of coordinated projects: evaluation and measurement of KPIs, verification of the achievement of the expected milestones of the projects, identify objectives, areas of intervention, needs, and common interests among the projects for development lines and future innovations.
- Support to the management of administrative activities: support at the counter and through dedicated meetings for reporting activities and drafting of the necessary documentation
- Organization of the dedicated training course: basic programming subject
- Technology transfer activities: dedicated workshops on intellectual property protection, creation of aggregation chains to study access to new funding and raise the TRL of ongoing projects