I-AM: Identity Authentication Module
Duration: 12 months
Project’s description:
The project aims to create a cutting-edge technological product in the field of cyber security and blockchain, based on a registered patent, capable of optimizing the collection process of personal and UGC data and information without risks of privacy in all cases where the convergence of data, positioning, time, and digital identification of the person is critical and economically valuable. The key component of the solution will be a hardware device - supported by an appropriate software application to configure and use it - that will be capable of generating a multi-parametric and guaranteed representation of the user and his situation with a single click. This representation can then be sent to a blockchain-based backend, rendering the shared data immutable. The novel device will, in fact, improve the capabilities of blockchain technology by providing certainty (in terms of who did what and where) on the data that can be stored on the blockchain. This device will primarily include: an acquisition module, which will include a biometric sensor to ensure user identity, a localization sensor, and other sensors required for the specific application field; a storage module; and a coding module (which implements the algorithms of the software module for the generation and coding of the multi-parametric representations and a transmission module).
Funded under: Programma Investimento per la crescita e l'occupazione 2014/20 (FESR) - Asse ricerca, sviluppo tecnologico e innovazione (OT1) - Obiettivo innovazione imprese - Azione Valorizzazione economica innovazione - "Bando aggregazione R&S" Dgr. 890/2021
Download I-AM poster - Bando “AGGREGAZIONI R&S”