Workshop on Cultural Tourism and Mobile Technologies, Rovereto (Italy), 16 October 2013

The workshop on “Cultural Tourism and Mobile Technologies” that will be held on 16th October 2013, will constitute the final event of the Cultways (CULtural Tourism Ways through mobile Applications and Services) project.  The project developed a mobile application for tourists travelling along the European Cultural Routes of the Via Claudia Augusta, running from northern Italy through to Bavaria in Germany, and the Way of St. James in the north of Spain.

The workshop will be an important platform to present the demonstrator developed within the project and discuss future developments of mobile technologies for innovative tourism services.

Aleardo Furlani, Innova’s CEO and Federica Santuccio, senior consultant,  will represent Innova at the event.

Aleardo Furlani will moreover moderate the round table on digital tourism introducing the topic and stimulating the discussion about the current state of art of mobile technologies and future perspectives.

Round tables will involve important Italian and European Institutions’ representatives active in the field of mobile technologies for cultural tourism.

The venue is  at Trentino Sviluppo, project coordinator premises, in  Via Zeni, 8 Rovereto (Italy).

Participation to the event is free of charge.

Registration and agenda are consultable online.

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