In its constant mission to bridge Research and Market, INNOVA has:
- Managed over 400 European R&D projects since start-up
- Launched over 1.500 international technology transfer actions on European level
- Conveyed more than 8.000 hours of training
- Supported more than 60 high-tech start-ups
- Transferred numerous products and technologies to the market through patent licensing
- Acquired a good reputation and recognition at European level within various Networks: IRE, IRC, ILP, IMMEdiate, MOBICAP
Our long-standing experience in project management, technology transfer actions and our world-class training activities have made of INNOVA an internationally recognized reference company in innovative technology consultancy.
We have received several awards testifying our professionalism and innovative creativity: among others the “SOLARE EUROPEO” prize; “Link START-UP Best Idea for a high-tech company” award through Biotecgen.
INNOVA’s enterpreneurial spirit, innovative vision and expertise has also been quoted in many press releases and EC success stories.