The outcomes of the MAESTRO project, led by Innova SpA, will be presented at the project final event that will beheld in Lecce on October 14th at the Center of Innovative Culture of the University of Salento.
The aim of the MAESTRO project was to develop an innovative platform that can assess the territorial impact of innovation strategies on companies that want to improve their level of competitiveness.
The impact was assessed by specific performance indicators of complex systems and environments applied to the methods of technology foresight in accordance to the dynamics of open innovation. The result is an innovative technology platform consisting of an innovative Decision Support System (DSS).
A roundtable will be organized at the end of the event to discuss future applications of these technologies for the evaluation of regional policies. The outcomes have been also been cited among the best contributions and with scope for future publication.
Read the announcement on the Sistema Puglia portal (in italian).
Read full event venue and agenda (in Italian).