Following the successful completion of the study SME Performance Review 2012-2013, Innova SpA and its partners have been awarded for the second time the contract for carrying out this important European study about the performance of SMEs for the period 2013-2014.
The Report on European SMEs is prepared on a yearly basis in particular to review the progress at national level on the implementation of the EU Small Business Act (SBA). It provides an overview of the size, structure and importance of SMEs to the European economy and their contribution to growth and jobs, as emphasised in the Small Business Act and Europe 2020 strategy.
The SME PR study 2014 is carried out on behalf of the European Commission, under the lead of the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry. It consists in a study on the compilation of SME policy measures related to the Small Business Act for the following countries: EU28 Member States, Serbia, FYROM, Norway, Israel, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Albania, Montenegro, Turkey.
The study is carried out by a European consortium including PriceWaterhouseCooper, CARSA, London Economics Ltd, Deutsches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforshung e.V., the University of Manchester.
In the context of this project, Innova SpA is in particular in charge of carrying out a regulatory survey and the assessment of the policy measures which have been announced/implemented by the 37 countries to address the priorities within the 10 SBA Principles. For this purpose, a network of national experts has been put into place to provide up to date information and assessments on SBA performance in each of the 37 countries which are subject of the study.
For more information on the EU Small Business Act: click here