Innova, as partner of the ENIGMA project was involved in organizing the first training session focused on assessing cities’ needs for Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) and exchanging practices on innovative procurement methods on the 27th of November 2013 in Gent. The event featured Michael Wilkinson, an expert on pre-commercial procurement who has worked on one of the first governmental PCPs in Europe.
Innova, as partner of the ENIGMA project was involved in organizing the first training session focused on assessing cities’ needs for Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) and exchanging practices on innovative procurement methods on the 27th of November 2013 in Gent. The event featured Michael Wilkinson, an expert on pre-commercial procurement who has worked on one of the first governmental PCPs in Europe: the NHS’s call for an innovative blood donating chair in the UK. Moreover, participating local authorities were encouraged to exchange experience and were involved in hands-on exercises on identifying needs and testing for project viability when running PCPs. ENIGMA is a FP7 project that aims to implement a joint transnational pre-commercial procurement (PCP) procedure in the field of public lighting. Coordinated by the city of Eindhoven, the project’s 5 partner municipalities (Eindhoven, Malmo, Stavanger, Espoo and Bassano del Grappa) cooperate on procuring innovation and testing in a real life environment the technologies that their commercial subcontractors develop. The project offers opportunities for other public authorities to participate, exchange and learn, by creating standard procedures for transnational PCPs that can be adapted to their local contexts, by providing in situ and online training sessions on PCP, by organizing mutual learning opportunities in the form of study visits, and by developing an online learning platform. Please see here Michael Wilkinson’s presentation at the training.