inCASA project successfully concluded!

inCASA project successfully concluded its mission with the acknowledgements of the European Commission for the achieved results and performed work along with creating high potential for future market exploitation.

The  inCASA project, co-financed by the EC under the CIP ICT-PSP program, involved 13 European organisations, among which Invent, the seed-capital company of the Innova group and aimed at improving the quality of life and autonomy of older people, through the use of innovative technologies and services, enabling them to spend more time in their own homes.

The main objective of the inCASA project was to offer a citizen-centric service network to help and protect frail elderly people, substantially enabling them to prolong the time they can live well  in their own homes. This goal has been achieved by integrating solutions/services for health/environment, monitoring and analyzing data in order to profile user behavior. Subsequently, intelligent multilevel alerts/communication services have been implemented.

Considering the wider European health sector dimensions, inCASA initiative identified common service delivery paradigms (business models), able to explore how these services are delivered to determine optimum clinical models.

Target users of inCASA project typically  are European citizens, over 65 years old, living at home alone and with a sufficient level of autonomy and self-care ability. They may have a need to improve self-confidence and ability to cope with day-to-day life, in order to increase independence and prolong the time they are able to stay in their own home. The final Commercial solution focused on various fields, for example chronic disease.

The test bed of inCASA solution involved 5 European countries:

  1. Italy (ATC Agenzia Territoriale per la Casa della Provincia di Torino)
  2. Greece (Konstantopouleio General Hospital of Nea Ionia)
  3. Spain (Fundación Hospital Calahorra)
  4. France (Institut National de la Sante et de la RechercheMedicale)
  5. United Kingdom (Chorleywood Health Centre)

The inCASA decentralised business organisation relied on strategic alliances among the eHealth industry actors to assemble the enabling technology and technical expertise to deploy inCASA services for customers. Single partners investigated InCASA local market deployment by:

  • Identifying potential inCASA adopters;
  • Marketing inCASA products and services;
  • Organising and aggregating expertise for setting up the inCASA technologies to provide the services. Partners’ aggregation sometimes took the form of temporary business collaboration, formalised in specific agreements, with the project partners owning the technologies/expertise required and interested to make business. The business collaboration resulted in opening to additional firms interested to market inCASA services.

Invent, as a seed capital company, although it did not have the mission to directly deploy inCASA services in the short/medium term, it strongly collaborated for a market exploitation of inCASA towards several Italian Regions (Lazio and Abruzzo).

For more information, visit the project website.

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