Enea and ICT companies enter in the reality of the Innovativity workshops

The Technology Transfer unit of ENEA, the Italian national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development, is organising three workshops on
“innovativity”, starting next November 2011 in Portici. The programme is dedicated to SMEs from the Campana region and aims at bringing companies closer to the world of innovation and technology transfer. The sectors to be covered are ICT, ecobuilding and biotech.

The General manager of Innova, Aleardo FURLANI, that will be carrying out expert training at the workshops on technology transfer and innovation, underlines that in competitive sectors such as ICT, it is crucial that high-tech SMEs bring their corporate culture a step further, improving their own technological capacity.

Read the entire article “Enea e imprese ICT, entra nel vivo l’officina dell’Innovatività” in the newspaper Il Denaro, edition of 19 November 2011 (in Italian).

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