Technical Partners, INVENT’s new start-up company presented its innovative hydrogen combustor in Milan

INNOVAS’s seed capital Company, INVENT Sas, participates in a new italian start-up:Technical Partners s.r.l. , an energy service company at the forefront of innovative research.

Technical Partners recently presented in Milan, during the 12th domotechnical Congress, a very original and promising product : a hydrogen combustor able to produce thermic energy without any need for fossil combustilbles. This result was obtained after ten years of research  and is part of the H2ydroGEM® project aimed at creating a cycle with zero emissions for heating systems in buildings.

Technical partners supports the environment by:

  • designing low environmental impact energy systems
  • supporting companies and industries in the management of energy issues
  • producing analysis of techno-economic feasibility in the energy field
  • assisting  energy efficient companies in finding appropriate funding for innovative projects

For more information contact Technical Partners

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