Start-up stories: Aleardo Furlani interviewed on University of Salerno web radio, 2nd May 2013

Innova’s CEO, Aleardo Furlani, was interviewed on the University of Salerno’s web radio transmission ARDR (Alla Ricerca Dei Ricercatori) dedicated to research and start-ups.

The interview was the occasion to discuss M. Furlani’s educational and professional path. He was among the first in Italy and in Europe to be interested in research and technological innovation based start -ups. The cultural, economic and political situation has much evolved in the past 20 years since he founded Innova SpA back in 1993, allowing for a more dynamic emergence of innovative start-ups.  

Aleardo Furlani also discussed the new social networks’ phenomenon that he closely follows. He co-authored a publication in 2012 on “Social Networks: the new innovation protagonists, a guide for Italian companies”.

Finally, the next edition of the Social Spring School organized by the SNIF Observatory at the Campus of Salerno next June was also pointed out.

The complete interview can be dowloaded on the ARDR website.

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