Publication on Social Innovation “Social Networks: the new innovation protagonists, a guidebook for Italian companies” now available

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  • Publication on Social Innovation “Social Networks: the new innovation protagonists, a guidebook for Italian companies” now available

Social Networks are rapidly entering into the workplace, revolutionizing the professional relationship among employees and enriching it with a social dimension. The changes crafted by new social networks can already be observed in many organizations and business processes. However, European companies need guidance to orient themselves in a complex world where rights and duties, behaviours and opportunities are strongly influenced by the new “networking freedom” of people working inside and outside companies.

Companies must therefore be cautious, but also open to innovation:  social networks are just at the beginning of their existence , but for sure they  have and  will have important organizational and  process –related  implications for the companies in the  future .

The publication,  written conjointly by Aleardo Furlani, CEO of INNOVA, and Francesco Lutman,  in charge of  dynamics of innovation, technology transfer and business creation at the Ministry of Economic Development, aims at describing the evolution of Social Networks and their impact in the Society and in the business world.

The Italian version of the book, is available in the following Libraries from February 2012.

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