After extensive research and testing, the EU-funded NOCHEMFOOD project, a partnership of SMEs and research institutes of which INNOVA is partner has produced exciting results. Dr Pier Luigi Franceschini, Scientific Coordinator of the Nanotechnologies/Biotecnologies Department at INNOVA, who has followed the project since its lauch in august 2006, confirms that the results show that the mixture of natural vegetable extracts performed as effectively as their chemical counterparts.
This is a major breakthrough in food-related research. Growing concerns over health implications of the use of chemical preservatives in food have led to the search for safer natural alternatives. NOCHEMFOOD began testing vegetable extracts on sausage meat. The extracts taken from 8 plants were used to prevent the development of undisered microorganisms and presenving the meat’s color. In all tested cases, the results were good.
A sucess story to be followed…