MAESTRO R&D project results to be presented at the itAIS 2011 conference, Rome, 7-8 October 2011

The outcomes of the MAESTRO project, lead by Innova SpA, will be presented at the VIII edition of the itAIS conference to be held in Rome on 7-8 October 2011. The Italian Association for Information Systems (itAIS) is the chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) serving Italy whose goal is to promote the exchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge among scholars and professionals engaged in the development, management, and use of information and communications systems and technology through a number of activities.

The aim of the project “MASTER” is to develop an innovative platform that can assess the territorial impact of innovation strategies on companies that want to improve their level of competitiveness. It’s worth to mentioning that the outcomes have been cited among the best contributions that will be potentially published.

More information can be found on the itAIS event page.

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