Do you know how to run a start-up that makes money from the start? Do you know how co-creation can boost your business? Do you know how to attract 20.000 euros for your crazy idea? To answer these questions and to teach you how it’s done, the online platform How to Grow presents KNOW HOW: a full week of online streamed lectures and interactive sessions for businesses and professionals in the creative industries in Europe. A wide range of speakers from the fields of innovation, creativity, finance and design will share knowledge and discuss matters that help you boost the growth of your creative business.
The full week of online streamed lectures and interactive sessions for businesses and professionals in the creative industries in Europe will be held through the “How to Grow” virtual meeting point from February 27th to March 2nd.
The How to Grow platform was developed within the BCreative project, co- funded by the European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry under the Europe Innova Programme within which Innova is collaborating through the EU-funded ImMediate project.
Members can access the platform services specifically designed for the needs of the creative sectors and focused on aspects such as the enhancement of entrepreneurial skills, access to finance and sharing knowledge.
Find out more on how to participate here.