During the EU Sustainable Energy Week, EUROCITIES in partnership with DIGITALEUROPE organized a session around Smart Cities. The session brought together leading experts from the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, cities and researchers to discuss different aspects of making a city “smarter” and future-proof.
Francesco Niglia, Coordinator of the INNOVA’s ICT Department in Lecce (Italy) contributed as a speaker on how these technologies can enable the use of energy in a more conscious and informed way to reduce emissions and maintain a sustainable urban environment.
A first panel looked at a number of case studies around the measurement, visibility and comparability of emission and energy data, with specific attention to the potential of smart grids and smart metres. The second part of the session opened up the debate and discussed the approaches for a sustained change in business and citizen behaviour and the necessary co-operation models between public and private stakeholders to create a truly “smart” city.