Energy efficiency in European islands showcased at the “Save Energy Now” conference held in Brussels on 16-17 April 2013

Citizens and households are responsible for a large share of global energy and electricity consumption and the related greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Important energy savings and carbon reduction can only be achieved with a paradigmatic change in consumer behavior in the context of usage patterns of energy using products.

The EU-funded project, PROMISE, coordinated by INNOVA, organized a two-day conference  entitled  “Save Energy Now” held in Brussels on 16th and 17th April to raise awareness on the energy efficiency topic.

The Conference, attended by 40 participants, aimed at spreading knowledge and experiences on how to reduce the energy consumption of households, especially in islands. It was also the occasion to exchange interesting views with energy experts from further European islands and assess the possibility to replicate the lessons learnt in further island contexts.


PROMISE project coordinator and partners were interviewed at the conference, further stressing the Project objectives and outcomes of the conference. Read the e-article following this link.

One of the best practices highlighted at the conference were web-based energy efficiency calculators, developed by the Energy Agency Iceland, partner of the Promise project, and posted on the Agency’s web-site. The web tools have encountered great success among the Icelandic population. Learn more on the Icelandic excellence described in the  following e-article.

For more information on the Promise project, please visit the project website.

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